Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Teen Sex Education Debate

After reading a commentary from the Austin American Statesman, the topic of sex education has me questioning if it should or should not be taught in Texas schools.
In the United States, some states such as Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Kansas, are required to teach their students about HIV/STD's and sex education. However, in Texas, schools are not required to teach a sex education class unless the school district chooses too. If they do choose too offer sex ed classes, they are required to teach abstinence.
The commentary I read said that The National Center for Health Statistics had did a study basically saying that since the late 1980's there has been a decline in teens how have been sexually active, dropping from 51% of females to 43% of females. For boys it dropped from 60% to 42%. Apparently there has also been more usage of contraception since the 1988's. "..during the past 20 years, we have simultaneously seen a lower rate of teens having sex"
This just sounds crazy too me! Because if anything i would say within the past 20 years population has sky rocketed! I think the birth rate is ridiculous, not to mention the fact that most of these babies are coming from  young females. This commentary also states both sides to the argument.. Discussing contraception promotes the use of it and on the other hand if we don't teach about contraception, more teens won't use it. Personally I do believe that talking about using condoms and getting birth control are definitely promoting sex. I see all these funny Trojan commercials, sex sells. What are those commercials really promoting? I think contraception companies are advertised in a very wrong way. Every visit to plan parenthood the employees are like "DO YOU WANT SOME FREE CONDOMS?" Sex education to me is being introduced in such a way that I think it makes it seem okay to have sex young. I believe in Texas sex education should be required, but solely informing of Abstinence. It's common sense to know what is going to happen if you don't protect yourself, but all these happy ass looking condom commericals, all these spunky plan parenthood workers handing out condoms left and right... just are not promoting anything positive.
I also recently read that as of October 1, 2011 in order for a woman to have an abortion she must first have two visits to the abortion clinic, one visit consisting of an ultra-sound. Bravo Texas!
I'm seeing babies having babies, I think all these young girls just need abstinence education!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Texas Doctors Experiment With Care, Payment Models

This past week I read an article from the Texas Tribune, "Texas Doctors Experiment With Care, Payment Models" In a suburb of Dallas, Tx there is a medical practice that is referred to as "The Galleria of Health Clinics." It offers medical care for a variety of needs including, pediatric care, diabetic care, OB/GYN, Dietitian, Cardiology, Chiropractic care, and much more. "..patients receive a year’s worth of wellness exams in a single visit, get their e-mails answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and have their mammogram or MRI results logged into their electronic medical record by the time they pull out of the parking lot."
This place sounds AMAZING, who could ask for anything more? It's like Health Care heaven! Why don't we have practices like these all across America? Answer is, Health Care Spending. By 2020 our country's medical expenses are believe to be around $4.6 trillion dollars, putting us deeper and deeper into the hole. Our country's health care spending's are ridiculous. In my opinion, like many others, we are where we are today because of medicaid being given to non-citizens. The government throws out billions of dollars to people who are in our country illegally, instead of giving it to citizens who were born here that need medical attention. It is unbelievably hard and expensive for a U.S. citizen to get medical insurance yet it is so easy for an immigrant to get free medical care. Now I LOVE my Mexicans, that's my culture, but I work at a Mexican restaurant and I mean DAMN. All my co-workers get Lone Star, WIC, Medicaid, you name it. Meanwhile I'm over here working super hard to pay my bills? If the Government stopped handing out so much money to non-citizens, we wouldn't be trillions short, and we would be able to have necessary places like this practice all over. The doctors at Kelsey-Seybold came to a rather smart solution to make the cost reasonable for patients, and that is by getting the groups of family physicians to share patients medical information electronically. It makes visits cheaper by being able to solely go to one place where you can be treated for any need. People don't understand how much easier and cheaper places like this could make our country's health spending's lower. However, we can't have places like this because the Government hands.out.too.much.M O N E Y